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Interviews F to J > Jill Hennessey
by Jay S. Jacobs
Copyright ©2004
PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: February 27,
When the 2003 television season started, fans of the popular
forensic drama Crossing Jordan were surprised to find the show was
not on NBC's schedule. Many asked if the show been canceled. How could
that be? The show had strong ratings and a passionate following. Where was
Crossing Jordan?
They needn't have worried. NBC hadn't given up on the
series, which stars Jill Hennessy as Dr. Jordan Cavanaugh, a
beautiful-but-neurotic Boston Medical Examiner. (Picture Quincy M.E.
if Jack Klugman were a young, attractive, but totally screwed-up woman.) In
fact, the network gave the show an extraordinary vote of confidence.
Hennessy had been playing the role for two seasons; it was her return to
series television after spending four seasons on Law & Order as
Assistant District Attorney Claire Kincaid. Towards the end of the last
season, the actress became pregnant. During the time the show would
normally be filming the new season's episodes, Hennessy would be getting
ready to give birth. NBC and the series' producers went out of their way to
make sure that the star and the show were accommodated.
"I discussed it with them, and they were wonderful about
it," Hennessy explains. "But, you know, there’s always the concern. I know
I’m putting a wrench in the machinery here. Being the lead of a one-hour
drama is probably the most rigorous schedule you can have in the
entertainment business. You’re working consistent twelve to eighteen hour
days. Five days a week, plus doing publicity on the weekends. So, number
one, how do you balance having a child with that kind of schedule? For
yourself, but also for the people working on the show. They immediately
came up with a great plan. They decided right up front to finish our
season. We shot our regular season last year, season two. What was great
was [NBC President] Jeff Zucker decided, hey, let’s shoot the first six
episodes of season three right after season two. Jeff announced at that
point that we’d be back by January because of my pregnancy. It was
wonderful to be where I could have that leeway and where people had that
kind of generosity of spirit and respect for the whole process of
motherhood. But, it’s really nice to be back, I have to say. You get away
from these people for a while and you realize how much of a family you
really are.”
So the show returned to
the air a little late, in March of 2004. When it did, the always popular
series overcame a deadly timeslot (Sunday at 10:00 p.m., which had already
killed Rob Lowe’s The Lyon’s Den and the critical favorite
Boomtown that season.) to become even more of a breakout success in its
third season. New episodes were shown twice a week (bonus episodes ran on
Friday night) and the condensed season was an unqualified success.
Well, in this CSI-obsessed
world where crime is put under the microscope (figuratively and literally)
and scrutinized to the tiniest nano-particle, the
world has become DNA-mad. However, unlike the cold and somewhat sterile
investigators of the CSI franchise, the doctors, cops and scientists of
Crossing Jordan are messy, passionate and often rather funny.
This is a real plan that the writers and producers came up with. They
recognized that the show had gotten a little too serious in the first two
seasons as well.
“You’re going to be
seeing a lot more of that, which is so nice to do. It’s always good to
balance the heavy drama with some levity. That’s one thing I missed,
too, as an actor, is playing the c
aspects of this character. That’s one of the things I love about
Jordan, that you’ve got this really intense
side which is juxtaposed with this kind of zany, a little over-the-edge type
personality. She takes
herself seriously, and then she can flip and not take herself seriously at
all. You’re going to be seeing a lot of that.
I think we’ll be dwelling a lot less on her personal trauma with her
relationship with her father and mother, and
getting a little more involved in, you know, some very recognizable cases.”
After all, Hennessy has
never been one to take herself too seriously, why should her character?
Well over a decade into her acting career, she still considers herself a frustrated
musician. In her early New
York days, she’d open her guitar case and stand on a corner, playing for
tips and tourists.
“I loved playing guitar on the streets,” Hennessy laughs.
“That was one of the best jobs I ever had. Would I be content to do that…? Well, it would be hard to support a child. Let’s put it that
way. I tell you, I loved doing it. Even when I was on this break, I ended
up finding a little open-mike club, and singing there once a week. It was
one of my favorite things to do. It’s always been a toss-up between acting
and singing. I really miss singing. Doing this job, too, it sort of takes
you away from being able to find any kind of open-mike setting at all.”
Her first major acting
gig was a role on an Off-Broadway musical version of The Buddy
Holly Story. “I ran with it for nine months. That was great for me.
But I ended up getting a film after nine months, so I left the show…
What’s funny
is, I love musical theater. I wish I could sing musical theater
a lot better than I do. I’m much more comfortable with a guitar protecting
me. Believe me, I hear these musical
theater singers and actors, who are just so talented. Triple threats; they
dance, they act, they sing beautifully. I don’t know whether I just don’t
have the confidence in myself to belt out a Broadway tune. But, I tell you,
give me a Bob Dylan or a Tracy Chapman song and I will do that with gusto
and love. It’s just such a different style of singing.”
movie that she left the show for was David Cronenberg’s Dead
Ringers. After that, she made movies like Robocop III and The
Paper and also guested several times on the syndicated series Friday
the 13th, The War of the Worlds and The Hitchhiker.
Everything really exploded though, when she was cast as Assistant District
Attorney Claire Kincaid on the long-running crime drama Law & Order.
She spent four seasons on the show,
as arguably the most popular ADA in a series that has also hired Angie Harmon,
Carey Lowell, Richard Brooks and Elisabeth Rohm in the same position.
she decided to leave the show, the producers made it very final. The
which has a long history of having characters retire or be transferred or
just fade into the background, reserved a particularly grisly fate for
Kincaid. She was killed when a drunk driver plowed into the car she was
riding in with
Det. Lenny Briscoe (Jerry Orbach). She did several movies after leaving the
series, including I Shot Andy Warhol, A Smile Like Yours and
Autumn in New York. Then TV came calling again.
was a new series being developed about the complicated
life of a female coroner in
Boston. However, Hennessy was not worried that she’d have to carry the
series. In fact, she always has seen Crossing Jordan as an ensemble
“When I first joined the project, it wasn’t even called
Crossing Jordan.
It was called
The Tim Kring Project.
There was such a strong
ensemble with this show. All of the other actors were so wonderful.
Kathryn Hahn, Steve Valentine, Ravi Kapoor, Miguel Ferrer and Ken Howard.
When you’re surrounded by such great actors, I could fade into the woodwork
and things would go beautifully, because these people are
so great to watch. So I wasn’t really worried about that. If anything, I’m
surprised that I ended up doing so well that they ended up calling it
Crossing Jordan.
Which was great, I was like, hey, thank you so much. I get to play with
people that I really respect everyday, and have a good time. And people
are liking this.”
So as the
show gets ready to return for a fourth season, to what does Hennessy
attribute its surprising popularity? “I guess I can only speak for myself
and what I like about it,” Hennessy says. “I’d have to say that crime drama
is always fascinating, but when you combine that with characters who are
very colorful, and yet easy to relate to, who don’t take themselves too
seriously and who are very distinctive, you get a very compelling finished
product. I think that’s what I have to credit our writers with here.
They’re doing even more this year, the cases that we’re working on are much
more recognizable. I think the audience will come to the table with very
strong feelings at the forefront, as soon as they recognize what these cases
are. It’ll make for much more compelling drama. Having that coupled with
characters that they know so well and who are so specific and distinctive, I
know that for me it’s so much fun to work on a show that has all those
elements. Because, I’m moved by what I’m doing, and I also love the people
that I work with.
“I know it was something that NBC was really interested in
doing for a while. So were we, actually. I know the producers were playing
with how much leeway we have with really dealing with the characters
and the quirkiness of the characters? And balancing that
with the hardcore procedural plotlines. I like to think that one of the
things that makes our show stand out is the fact that we do have such
involving, easy-to-relate-to cases, as well as characters that are always
interesting. That always have such distinctive voices. [They] really
aren’t cookie cutter. Each actor contributes so much that is so particular
to themselves. As opposed to having a whole bunch of actors who basically
could interchange their dialogue and nobody would even notice. So I was
very happy to see that we were becoming more procedural and that the added
police element to it sort of legitimizes what’s happening. It legitimizes
the efforts to investigate a case. There are certain arenas where medical
examiners cannot go. It wouldn’t be too realistic to have Jordan jumping
into all kinds of situations where she wouldn’t be allowed to enter. So,
the cop element really brings a lot of validity to the investigation aspect.”
nice thing for Hennessy is that in Crossing Jordan, she can also tap
into her musical talents. The producers have in the past set up a few
opportunities for Jordan to sing in her father’s club. This led to a
respected soundtrack album, which Hennessy was excited
to be a part of. On
it, she sang versions of Bob Dylan’s “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” and Tom
Waits’ “Innocent When You Dream.”
“They submitted a few songs to me to look at,” Hennessy
says. “The ones that just hit me the most were Tom Waits and the Bob Dylan,
because, that’s sort of what I was raised with. Living in New York for so
long, too, I’m a huge fan of Tom Waits. I just think Dylan is one of the
Gods of our time, to be honest. So that’s the issue of how it comes about.
We all try to work together and come up with something that moves us the
“That was thrilling. That was just great to work with
people like T-Bone Burnett and Craig Street, who worked
Norah Jones. The end product was phenomenal. I don’t know if you
heard about it, but Alison Krauss was on
it, Lucinda Williams, oh gosh, Cassandra Wilson… It was just a brilliantly
done album. We were really well reviewed, which was the biggest thrill for
me. So, I’d love to see us delve more into the music side of things,
especially with, as you said, different storylines where Jordan has to go
undercover in an open-mike club. To find out what really happened…”
Now that she had to spend some time away from the show for
maternity leave (she had a boy, whom she and her
restaurateur husband named Marco), she just
relishes the opportunity to work even more. “I guess I really
appreciate that I can have a job and have a child at the same time,” she
says. “Everything
just feels a lot richer now. Let’s put it that way. I can go to work with
people I love, be a creative individual, and see this beautiful human being
who smiles every time they see me. It’s so wonderful to be able to
incorporate both into my life.”
It was very gratifying to know that people missed the show
while it was off the air. “What’s funny is, especially when I was pregnant,
walking the streets of New York, I got very interesting comments,” Hennessy
recalls. “I kept saying, we’re coming back,
we're coming back. And
then there were a lot of people who would say… I guess they hadn’t realized
that Catherine Zeta-Jones had had her baby, they would just stop me and say
‘Catherine Zeta-Jones! Oh, say hi to Michael for me!’ I said, oh thank you
very much, but actually I’m not Catherine Zeta-Jones. I think the whole
pregnancy issue confused a lot of people on the streets. Long dark hair and
pregnant? You know, it gets confusing.
“Actually, there were a lot of people who did seem a little
bit upset. I kept trying to reassure them, telling them the show will be
back soon. It was very flattering to meet so many people on the street. It
was also the first time I had a chance to really talk to people on the
street. When you’re working on a series, you don’t get out that much. So
during this maternity break, I was able to meet all kinds of people. It was
really nice to see how many people are so involved in the show and couldn’t
wait for it to come back. I would get about I’d say on average eight people
stopping me a day, asking when the show was coming back, where the plot
lines are going, what’s Jordan going to be doing? It really gave me a lot
of inspiration. It made me feel pretty darned good.”
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